2 Biggest Product Creation Challenges

Rarely talked about strategies

Jeff the Content Profit Coach
2 min readJun 24, 2024
Image created from Author’s Imagination by DALL-E

Do you struggle with product creation?

Most of us do. You want to get it right

The good news I’ve been creating products for 17 years and can help you.

Challenge 1: Creating your first product

Please don’t make this hard. This is not an all inclusive course with everything you know and everything that has ever been known about your topic.

What to do: Solve one problem. One of the easiest ways to do this for content creators is add 5–7 “action question” to one of your articles and
offer it for $7. You get buying behavior. Buyers buy. So you follow up later with a more in depth solution at a higher investment.

Problem 2: Avoiding the product creation rut

Using the above example, the rut would be creating more and more action articles and nothing else.

I’ve fallen into this one. It’s just too easy to do.

What to do: Mix it up! People get bored with the same thing over and over. Start with an “Action Article” like above. Then a mini-course. Followed by a challenge. Then a “One Time Small Group Mastermind.” Then a larger course. Followed by a membership.



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

I help content creators become content profit makers in 20 minutes or less on the Content Profit Show => https://JeffHerring.com/guest - No Experience Necessary